Friday, 14 March 2008

Open source ECM and BPM marriage

So, I am a couple of days behind on this (sorry !) but it appears that Alfresco and Intalio have come to an arrangement to work together, intergrate and bundle(?) each others tools.

Alfresco already had integration with JBPM but Intalio are delivering a sophisticated product suite, and having met John Newton quite a few times, and Ismael Ghalimi only the once (at his Office 2.0 conference last year) it does not surprise me that these two open source leaders should get together.

With Alfresco with its integration with the LifeRay open source portal, Intalio for BPM, plus say Sugar CRM and an open source ERP (such as TinyERP or OpenBravo), plus plentyful RDBMS such as PostgreSQL and MySQL, and many many open source web content managment systems, blogs, wiki's, collaboration platforms etc - and a powerful linux desktop with OpenOfficeOrg, (with Linux or BSD servers behind the scenes) are we at the dawn of the full on 'open source enterprise' ??



Jonathan Crow said...

Are we that far away from the Open Source Enterprise you ask? We can certainly hope not. But I think the reality is that people have been trained to believe that you get what you pay for. And therefore paying $400 for an office suite means that you get an exponentially better office suite, although we all know the reality is that most people will be fine with the Open Source alternatives.

People are coming around to the fact that they can pay to be trained on the software, rather than the exorbitant fees people pay for the software. The whole teach a man to fish model.

But then again I might be a little biased;)

JedPC said...

Hi Jonathon

I currently work for a University, so we may be more open to open source than corporations. However I think your correct in that there is a generation of CIO's / IT Directors who are happy to pay inflated prices if they think it guarantee's quality of the software and support - which I would argue in many cases it does not. I love your comment about the teaching a man to fish model - first time I have seen that used in a software context :-)



Anonymous said...

It was interesting reading your article. I believe we are now only starting to see large organisations having a think about an enterprise open source offering.

At OpenSoft, who has adopted all the major commercial open source platforms and have integrated them. We see a continum of movement to an Enterprise OS offerings.

I agree with the comment some CIO/CTO's etc are still happy to pay inflated prices so some form of assurity, but this is changing due to the economics of what is now are to be delivered.

Neville Bradbury

before marriage said...

"Open source ECM and BPM marriage" is a very good post, thanks for sharing friends!

John said...

thanks for sharing this information!