Monday 2 November 2009

Global Intranet Trends Report 2010 released

Jane McConnell has released this years Global Intranet Trends report to those who participated. It's not up on the NetStrategy/JMC site yet, probably because she is in Aarhus this week at the JBoye conference (wish I was there....).

This is the 4th year of the survey and thus the 4th edition of the report. I got my copy this morning as I completed the survey on behalf of my organization, but I have certainly not had time to read it, in depth, from cover to cover (but you can bet I will !).

It is an extremely valuable resource for those managing or interested in intranets, and well worth the spend (and I am comparing that to reports you would pay a lot more for, from one of the big consulting firms or analyst firms).

I am sure Jane won't me paraphrasing some bits from the executive summary in order to whet your appetites:
  • This years survey has had input from 300 organizations worldwide, from less than 1,000 employees to over 100,000 employees
  • Topics include intranet strategy, intranet management, business objectives for the intranet and social media use
  • Three stages of intranet maturity are introduced and explained
  • Five trends for the "Future Intranet" are identified and analysed
I will return to specific topics when I have read the full report properly, but I suggest you go to the NetJMC site and add it to your RSS feeds so that you know when the report is released, so that you can buy a copy - as they used to say on a TV advert for newspapers in the UK, "It's a right riveting read" (which in non-colloquial english means its really really good !)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

check this presentation - I just loved it.